Well friends, this is it. Our LAST chance at getting pregnant before moving on to IVF. If AF comes this time, then I will have to start on a short pack of birth control to get my cycle ready for IVF in late February/early March.
I am having all the classic AF symptoms now at 13dpo...brown spotting, headache, no more sore boobs, possible temp drop and cramping. UGH. I don't know WHY I am even entertaining the idea that it could be anything BUT AF, but I am grasping onto that little piece of hope.
I simply cannot take the wait anymore. I just need a definitive answer so I can move on psychologically and start readying my mind and body for the next step. So I am about to leave for a blood test (beta). I am fully expecting my hcg to be about 0-1 as it has been the last couple of months. I will keep you posted. I would say cross your fingers for me, but I don't think it's even worth it this time. I KNOW what is coming.
On the up side, I am having a GREAT hair day even after the worst night's sleep ever. Go me.
Stay tuned.
One Last Chance
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
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